Monday, 1 March 2010

The dog days are over..

Finally back to my humble abode, listening to Florence whilst reclining in the tric. All is good bar the fact we've got shitting cas in the morning and all my clothes are either dirty or wet. There is a light however, I have just noticed the RIDICULOUS amount of knit wear I'm hoarding up in this postage stamp and if needs be, I guess attempting to fashion a few garments from the collection is an option. A particularly christmassy number has actually doubled as a pair of harem pants before and looked pretty fly. It makes me sad seeing the poor buggers stuffed at the bottom of my classic 90's melamine wardrobe but at the same time angry at how they just loll about crushing my other (all be them shitty) clothes and they jump out everywhere ,always trying to escape. When they take the leap, they sort of blossom and starjump with glee, free from the tight bundles they are forced into.It is both annoying and most ungrateful behaviour to be honest, I understand conditions aren't ideal, they are kept like battery jumpers and when they attempt to roam I do feel bad so let them taste freedom for a while. Only until I tidy though, then its back to the squalid constriction whence they came, but if I didn't re-home them, no-one else would buy the crusty little bastards. There are the odd few that get special treatment and sometimes lord it up on my chair, my prize wolf sweater for example and the pretentious JW wankers, but only because they cost an arm and a leg. My favourites are definitely a navy Bestival steal that always smells like home even after a Medway wash(you can just see its mustard and burgundy striped arm) and a silver and white striped mohair number which came with a free vintage bogey, a barg at just £1.(currently stuffed in a bag waiting for a wash).
Todays journey wasn't the hell I'd anticipated. Granted it started badly with me unable to get out of bed for some unknown reason and then standing in a shop whilst too pre-pube teens monged out over the decision whether they needed a bag or not. This made me rather irate and resulted in missing the boat to which I exclaimed "FOR FUCK SAKE" before a clan of Canadian grannies and wight link staff.I did fear they wouldn't let me board after this,so I wore sunglasses back. I went home and ate the first of my tastey ginsters treats and watched a last Trisha with skip and retried the boat an hour later. All was well and I was allowed on...a rather strange eyebrow man was sat near me though, he smelt weird too, not of anything in particular or that strong, just unpleasant.I hoped this chain of unfortunate events was not the way things would continue...
Luckily it wasn't.There was a train to Vic waiting,last time I had to change at clappers and the stairs to the platform were gone so they provided what was essentially a ladder for me to fall down with my suitcase, it was terrifying.
Anyway I digress as per usual, I even managed to bag a four seater WITH TABLE and sat reading my mountain of publications, surrounded myself with them infact, had some water, sunglasses upon my head-was feeling fresh, until..
I was just getting stuck into why Cheryl is too scared to ditch Ashley when this woman in a parker got on at Gatwick. She decided to sit at my reading desk with me, fair enough I guess...there is a whole train, but feel free. So I put all the shit in my bag and continued. She THEN decided to move an empty coke bot from the chair she WASN'T sitting on or effecting her in anyway to the table where I was reading. It rolled and rolled and clattered up and down my reading space all the way to three bridges. I couldn't really move it without seeming like a dick and was getting more and more irritated; as a source close to Cheryl described her as a serial monogamist. Eventually it rolled onto the floor and a man put it in a bin.
I moved on. "How to get a dream bod like Katy Perry in just 25 minutes"?? ooooh, My eyes excitedly met the page as the banana sandwich met her lips. My god, the baine of my LIFE is noisy, disgusting eaters and parker woman sat before me smudging this mushy meal around her mouth, chamming with every mouthful whilst simultaneously smacking her lips together, what a talent. She finished one and then took out another, that was it.I had to eat my emergency second ginsters treat in an attempt to drown her out. It was hellish trying to force this delicious peppered steak dream down my throat when I really had no room for it , just to distract from some womans bad manners. It was torture, such a waste. Eventually it stopped and I could continue learning "why you should NEVER dtr."(define the relationship apparently.)
The rest of the journey was pretty smooth sailing. Chammer got off at Vic and there was the perfect amount of time to get a ticket( took a risk on the railcard option, saved a fiver.) and also to read an delightful article on bum fun. Whilst taking in this life lesson, I came across a most enjoyable phrase.
" let's say you love it- and anal sex is the fabulous orgasm party you've been dying to attend your whole life"
"don't overdo it-you don't want too much of a battering."
Then the train came.
The Vicky to Chavham route is normally like a J.Kyle show, today however was fine but bit more like a train into Baghdad- tinsy bit cramped.
The arrival at chats is the worst bit, the realisation you must now walk 30mins whilst lugging your baggage about your person, a journey culminating in three consequetive hills.It is quite the bitch, but still, couldn't help thinking about the lattices I was burning off and also hoping the weight of my case filled with slutty heels on my left arm and bag stuffed with mags on my right, might stretch my arms into thin ballerina sticks.
Grace was there to greet me on my return, and also a card from my Nanuska and a parcel...exciting. It smelt divine. I opened the card first to find it signed Sharon, Sharon? who the fuck is Sharon....
I glanced at the gift, there it was "party lites". It was from Shamone mother fucker wasn't it. WHAT a welcome.
Thanks Shaz, you diamond.
It really did brighten my day ALOT. I also like the irony, brighten/candles.
Maybe Shaz wrote the bum fun piece.
What a wonderful return after all that dread, a present from Shaz, card from my Nan and a Stella with Gstring and Gail whilst absorbing some crap tv.
Perhaps as Flozza says, the dog days of Stevens close really are over.

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