This evening my family and i went out for dinner, however we were so hungry-not a word was spoken. We then at my request took a cruise(went the long way home) along the seafront. Since then, have been reclining in my mothers clothes as I only packed supplies for three days in Plymouth i.e two pairs of sexy heels, two dresses,leggings and a shirt for festering...not very practical. If the fam were here, I guess we would be rattling cages in Newps. Started thinking about abit of yates yeh, and i think I'm getting emotional-or it might be the super sad program about an over friendly whale Skip is watching. Well it was sad until he received an abusive call from farty Bri and exchanged some football banter.
I was infact invited out this evening by none other than 49 year old Swedish cat pervert- Philip Duberg.
Yates is always a classy affair- with reefs, breezers and wkds for £2 it can't not be a night of mumsy delight, After all they are the funnest drinks around.

Never actually seen a babe in Yates, wait thats a lie.I have, but it wasn't his natural habitat. Tried to break my Brother into it over christmas, we thought if graz can handle it, Chazman could. I think he was slightly overwhelmed, not by the place but the company he was in- his sister, two slit eye sluts and a homosexual- to ease his pain we mixed up a cock of JD,wkd,Vod and a left over pint then forced the bastard down the hatch. It did loosen him a little as he eventually a shuffled about nervously to stevie wonder. Couldn't get him on the pole though.
I think my favourite abit of Yates yeh was the night of the eternity ring. I think another bit of Gramone died inside that night as I have not seen the ring since. The night started at the grovsnor-home of jez,reg,simone and devil child Jase. The Holy fortress was penetrated by Grime,Eddy,Gramone,Eds,myself and Jason from within. As Jez held a church meeting in the lounge, it was nothing but beats and BNs upstairs. Graz made the mistake of arriving both late and sober and faced an onslaught horrific abuse from marts. He also wore the ring, we simply could not contain ourselves....For some reason that night i decided to wear a tiny silk dress and a huge pair of spanx as hot pants-but I was not late or dry so did not face the wrath. Perhaps i drank as i dressed.

After 25mins of tension in the cab, we finally arrived. Jase left for pashit and Ed pissed his pants. I then spent £13 on drink and shots for Graz to make up for the abuse he was subjected too...eventually he forgot and was a grambly laugh. I think he also wore the hilarious Efron jacket that night...it was just too much for us all. I have a strange feeling we met Atch and the Wades there...Newps is just one blurred laugh.

Yates is always a classic for cheesy r n b, I think i was Eds gf for the night- purely to make ex's and bitches he was sharking jealous,he is such a shark. However i think me, grime and Eddy did actually make out for a laugh at the bus station. Grime asked Graz if he'd like to play but he exclaimed "NO!(in a high pitch squeal) i don't want you judging my kissing" ahahaha..then he stuffed his face with chips. She also offered Esteban and Gaspar her services-their silence said it all as they looked on in foreign disgust...ironic as they have both swooned on her many a time.
What a wednesday night pant wetter.

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