My night was equally as glamourous as Marts. Absolutely sozzled out of my face by 9.30, I spent the evening sloshing Gordons over the 40th party I attended and its guests. By 10.30 I was reclining in an arm chair , by 11 was scared into partial sobriety through a combination of my mothers wrath and water under the pretence it was gin. Unaware I now had PRINCEY scribed across my chest and a moustache, I decided it would be super chic to scrawl all over Foxwells lyrics.The attempt at nice fancy dress and a cultured evening once again soiled. I remember Bob Pakes telling me I look better without a tash. At first this upset me as I was still oblivious to the new state of affairs, only this morning did I also notice several biro tattoos. I never will I understand the power a tipple has in the sending of THOSE texts. I know I did it and am too afraid to look at what I did.It is always worse when you recall only select details and the detail I do remember being "sexy singing". It is also pretty horrific when the receiver of the inappropriate material often comes to tea at your home, sometimes after school...
Goodnight you two fabulous babes.

I apologise for the poor grammar, I am shakey, fragile and finding it hard to stand for long periods.
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